Educational project

Les Bons Enfants educational approach

At the heart of our concerns: fulfillment of children, now and in the future

The educational project of Les Bons Enfants aims at enabling each person to develop in all their dimensions: emotional, intellectual and social.

Knowing oneself better, to understand and express oneself better

Emotional development - to enable the child to evolve in a caring environment that respects his or her dignity and uniqueness.

Les Bons Enfants project has the following objectives:

·   to ensure the well-being of each child in the structure;

·   to encourage the implementation of preventive behaviour by the children among themselves;

·   to develop indicators to ensure the positive integration of children in the structure;

·   to maintain relations with the families, so that there is a real dialogue for the benefit of the child.

Involving the body in activities to promote ease

Physical development - to allow the child to gain dexterity and motor skills, while allowing him to understand his body as a means of expression, the team is committed to: 

·      develop manual activities that are a source of learning and wonder while respecting the ages and abilities of each;

·      animate times favoring the engagement of the body such as mimes, gestured songs or big games;

·      teach children to keep a good distance between each other, and thus respect the space that everyone needs to feel    good;

·      organize theater workshops, which allow children to familiarize themselves with public speaking, and encourage them to use their whole being, body and mind, to express themselves in a coherent and serene manner. 

The self-knowledge about the world: the key to confidence and freedom

Intellectual development - in order to help children to get to know and love themselves to become free and confident adults, Les Bons Enfants team strives to:

·   set up times of exchange, in order to allow the child to verbalize his emotions, but also to encourage the emergence of questions that challenge the children;

·   to provide a period of quiet time every day;

·   to use traditional materials for learning and leave screens outside the structure;

·   to value the children, always, in effort, in success and in failure, thus allowing them to think and feel more freely.

Knowing how to share and be of service: a considerable asset for the future

As far as social development is concerned, Les Bons Enfants' staff intends to rely on the children's capacities for autonomy, specific to each age group, and, in doing sp, to increase it, for the benefit of the group and in order to encourage service and sharing:

·   to draft the life charter with the children and make them actors of its application;

·   to include self-assessment devices for homework help;

·   to encourage the sharing of skills and team spirit for activities;

·   to include a daily responsibility for each child (as a team) for cleaning and tidying up.

Pastoral Care

Les Bons Enfants is a Catholic center. All children are welcome, regardless of their parents' faith or beliefs, as long as they agree with the pedagogical project.

The children have the possibility, if the parents wish it, to participate, on Wednesdays or during the holidays, in a time of faith awakening, prepared with the assistance of Sainte Cécile parish. 

The highlights of the liturgical year are explained, and the children are able to discover the great Bible stories of the Bible through the Old Testament (Genesis, Noah, Moses, David and Goliath...) as well as the main stages of the life of Jesus in the Gospels. A referent priest from Sainte Cécile intervenes regularly.

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